
How To Check Fuel Pump On Harley Davidson

  1. 97 Road Rex fuel injected volition start and run fine when it is cold. Later an hour or then of riding it will stall if I let off the throttle. I can keep information technology running by revving the engine, but if I release the throttle it will die. Information technology won't restart immediately, but if I let information technology absurd off it will. I did a fuel pressure level exam past connecting a fuel force per unit area gauge to the end of the hose that comes off the fuel pump and goes to the fuel filter. The issue was when I beginning plow on the key, the fuel pressure jumps up to 60psi, but immediately begins to fall off. Within 15 minutes information technology is around 10psi. Could the fuel pump be losing pressure internally?
  2. Yous really need to "T" the fuel pressure gauge into the system and check the psi with the engine running. The fuel pump is not running if the engine is not running. Your simply reading the 2 second prime shot, so "bleed off" tin can be expected.
  3. Cheers for the reply. I assemble from what y'all said that the arrangement doesn't hold pressure for very long if the pump isn't running.
  4. Well it does and should agree pressure, you lot just have to a make a judgement call for the moment at hand. If the pressure fell off in xxx seconds, that really would be bad. If the pressure never fell off, that would exist Great. Y'all accept to wait at readings and judge if they are the reason for the ROOT crusade for you lot original problem.

    As long as the pump can overwhelmingly delivery more than pressure level and volume to overcome whatever leakdown, then I would not consider it the cause for your bike event. Since liquids don't compress, a static pressure drop with that small-scale book of fuel (1/4" hose 12" long), can't be more than a few of CC's over the form of xv minutes.

    Yes, going from 60 psi to x psi over 15 minutes certainly does mean there is some leakdown present. Can it be improved? I am sure it tin can. But is it the reason why your having a problem with the bike running poorly, probably not. To be on the safe side of the judgement call, I would run a dynamic gauge pressure examination with the cycle running. If it stays at the proper value (* see below) while giving it throttle, I would look elsewhere for your problem at hand.

    At present one time you find your root problem and right it, and y'all want to make things perfect, I am sure you could improve the leakdown in the fuel system.

    ***One very important annotation: Before going any further, read this thread beneath starting at entry point #18. I was under the belief that all our FI systems ran at about 60 psi. It appears they do not on the early on year bikes. I would confirm (per service transmission) what the psi really should exist for your verbal bike. On the late bikes, it is threescore psi but it seems from reading this thread below that the early on models are not the same.***

    My back cylinder just quit working!!! - Harley Davidson Community

  5. TQuentin1

    TQuentin1 Well-Known Fellow member Staff Member Moderator


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